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SmallCorp powdercoated aluminum Rhiser®

Risers & Prop Boxes

Object Support for Museum Cases

Risers (also known as prop boxes) add dimension and highlight specific objects in an exhibit case. SmallCorp manufactures archival risers to your specifications from acrylic, HDPE, expanded PVC sheet (such as Komacel®), and aluminum.  We offer fabric-wrapped, painted, and powdercoated finishes (finish options dependent on substrate choice), and can manufacture polished acrylic risers. Risers can be made pinnable with the addition of a layer of Ethafoam™ under the fabric.

Riser & Prop Boxes

We offer both archival and non-archival options for in-case prop boxes, including drillable and pinnable options. Materials include acrylic, aluminum, HDPE, and Medex®. In addition to classic square and rectangular formats, we make risers with slanted display surfaces, steps, and backboards.  All of our risers are made to your size and material specifications.


  • Linen-wrapped over acrylic, HDPE, aluminum, and Medex® (which is non-archival)
  • Powdercoated aluminum
  • Painted Medex® or PVC (such as Komacel®)


  • Pinnable Ethafoam™ layer
  • Drillable HDPE, Medex®, or PVC layer
  • Fabric-wrapped pinnable retaining bars


The Rhiser© is an archival prop box with space inside to hold environmental buffering materials, for cases without integrated silica gel chambers.  RHisers© are made with an air gap below to facilitate airflow. They are typically sized to fit our refillable silica gel cartridges, but can also be made to your specification, including with a slanted display surface. Finishes include powdercoated aluminum or fabric-wrapped, and we can add a layer of pinnable Ethafoam™ or drillable HDPE beneath the fabric layer as needed.


  • Constructed with an open bottom and feet to allow airflow
  • Finishes
    • Aluminum – Powdercoated
    • Fabric-wrapped – We stock 4 archival fabrics (Oddy tested). We can also source custom archival fabrics.


  • Pinnable and/or drillable layers beneath the fabric-wrap
  • Fabric-wrapped pinnable retaining bars
  • Slanted display surface

Frequently installed on pinnable slanted decks or risers, our retaining bars are fabric-wrapped acrylic with pins. The standard size is 1/2” x 1/2” x 10” but can be made longer upon request.

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